Record of Architectural and Urban Heritage in Arab Countries

Heritage Observatory to provide architectural and urban in Arab countries

The general framework of the project:

Arab Tourism Ministers Council met at its sixth session (27-28 Zul 1424 e / 20-21 January 2004 M) And it decided to consider the draft Charter for “Preserving the architectural heritage in the Arab countries and development” (Subject 6).
The reference framework set out in the Preamble to the Charter reflects the awareness of Arab tourism ministers of the importance of preserving the architectural and Arab architectural heritage for future generations. The Ministers underline the need to adopt a consistent methodology for the integration of this heritage in the economic, social and cultural development path, and the urgent need for valuing this heritage while respecting the elements of its originality and its parameters, especially in the current context flour, and witnessed some of the Arab countries Splurge historic landmarks and the looting of property operations cultural. (The first point of the preamble).This awareness also refers to the concepts of reference, to be fleshed out and shared among all Arab countries to adopt a new common way in the protection of architectural and urban heritage and its maintenance, and further tighten its management. The adoption of this new methodology of the conduct of:

  • Political support,
  • Corporate governance,
  • Legal framework Ordinal,
  • Participatory planning,
  • Cultural innovation and encourage creativity,
  • Financial procedures and mechanisms,
  • Executive Arrangements.

To implement these reference concepts and methodology of the proposed work, the Economic and Social Council of the Arab League commissioned (Session 11-14 September 2014 – Cairo) ALECSO, upon request, the project resurrected “Arab Observatory for Architectural Heritage and Urban in Arab countries”; It was for the purpose of preparing this document charts on this project.

general aims:

  • Contribute to the diagnosis of the reality of architectural and urban heritage in the Arab countries and by definition to be considered the most prominent Arab cultural identity components,
  • Contribute to preserve and protect it from oblivion and extinction and destruction to protect the collective shared memory,
  • Contribute to the revival and appreciation and integration into the economic and social cycle of development,
  • Contribute to the promotion of intangible cultural heritage, in particular, it offers opportunities for the development of knowledge and professions in the field of cultural industries.

Privacy goals:

  • Capacity development in the field of protection and revival of architectural and urban heritage,
  • Development of Laws and regulations relating to the preservation of architectural and urban heritage and maintenance,
  • Encourage participatory planning in the field of heritage preservation and maintenance,
  • Protection of endangered cities currently in the Arab countries with precise conditions (Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya…)

محتوى المشروع ومكوناته :

  • Diagnosis and data collection and assess the state of preservation of architectural and urban heritage in the Arab countries,
  • Networking university competencies and professional expertise in the field of preservation of architectural and urban heritage in the Arab countries,
  • Provide advice and technical assistance in the development of the scope and implementation of the project,
  • Data on the development of a unified urban and architectural heritage of the country's Arab Bank.